
Haiku in English

               寝屋川、十河 智
               Neyagawa, Tomoko Sogo

The rainy season,                           梅雨穴やもぐらだ蛇だ一波乱              
troubles arise―Moles! Snakes!   
What made holes in the garden
Timetunnels here and there,               過去未来ワープしたきや梅雨穴へ         
wish to be carried back and forward,
the rainy day of June
Cann't escape Great Drowsiness―        逃ぐべくもなき睡魔の手梅雨の空 
the sand the sandman scatterd
over the sky of rainy season
Bring off: a sparrow to nest               雀の巣短き犬の毛拾はれて
back yard, beside a dog,
a very short dog-hair
Day light                     蜘蛛の子や光子のこぼれ散るごとし    
focuses on a litter of spiders,        
disperses in directions the babies go
Twinkling stars are :                        梅雨の雲星の輝きいや増せる
by far the brilliantest,
among the clouds of wet season